Thursday, May 5, 2011

playoff cookies

I made these sugar cookies on Monday and brought them to family dinner to celebrate our playoff run with my fellow season's tickets sharers.  Go Canucks Go!

Got the idea from


  1. Loved the did my work colleagues, who I shared with! They were amazed. Mom

  2. LOVE the cookies, Jen! They look professional. :)

  3. Best cookies on earth! The folks at work loved them and were very impressed to be served home made cookies at all, let alone ones that were decorated this way and served for breakfast. The Plant guys (4) got the leftovers and a happier crowd you have not seen.....thank you! thank you! thank you! you helped make many people's day (17 people to be exact as one person - Judy - ate 2, which created a "rub" with the guy - Lanny - that didn't get one!)
